Indoor differentiated containers
Ecopoli with transparent body
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Container with innovative design usable as both a waste bin and container for separated waste. The version that can be inspected has side holes, for installation in all those places where visibility of contents is required for security purposes such as airports, underground and railway stations. The attractive diamond shape has minimal volume and is excellent for multiple aggregations of containers. The front hatch can be opened using the special lock and triangular key. The high quality of the material used and the production technology are an absolute guarantee of functionality and long life.
Technical specifications
Code: 1109210
Design: DESIGN: Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Design, Workshop co-ordinated by Luca Gafforio and Venanzio Arquilla – CONCEPT DESIGN: N. Darsonval, E. Marzotto, P. Monopoli and M. Paindelli – PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: A.U.ESSE S.r.l.
Patent: Exclusive property of A.U.ESSE S.r.l.
Size: Height and height of opening 1050 mm – Side 400 mm – Depth 340 mm
Material: Body, structure and hatch in electrolytically galvanised sheet (bag-blocking ring incorporated into the hatch) – Cover in ABS with upper layer in PMMA – Base in treated steel or pre-stressed concrete
Painting: Enamelled with acid-resistant enamels – Polyester powder QUALICOAT TGIC FREE
Capacity: 100 Lt.
Weight: 27 kg with steel base – 43 kg with concrete base
Packaging: Pallet with packaging in cardboard
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